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  • Leadec employee installing media supply on the ceiling of a factory.
  • Leadec Kft.

    We are an industrial services specialist. Our mission is to provide our customers with high quality and sustainable production conditions. The satisfaction of Leadec's customers is a testament to the excellence of our industrial services for factories.

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Leadec in Hungary

Leadec Kft. is an industrial services specialist and a subsidiary of the German Leadec Group. Our company builds on the more than 60 years of service experience of the group. This ensures the operation of factories, the continuity of production and the fulfilment of related technical needs. Leadec Kft. started its activities in Győr in 1994.  Since then, it has expanded its services to nine cities across the country. Currently, it employs nearly 900 people and provides production support and optimisation services.

Leadec Group

Leadec has more than 23,000 employees in more than 350 locations worldwide. Therefore, we support the most prestigious players in the manufacturing and production industries. We are proud that industrial companies all over the world rely on Leadec's expertise. The highest levels of competence and innovation are the hallmarks of our industrial services.


Learn more about Leadec Group

0 employees

in Hungary

0 locations


0 years

of experience

1 mission

optimal production

Industries we work for

Our collaboration with the automotive industry has defined our customer base from the very beginning. However, this has grown to include leading factories in the semiconductor, plastics, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. As an industrial services specialist, innovation and a commitment to process efficiency are at the heart of our business. Furthermore, we are committed to meeting the highest standards, including those relating to sustainability.

Sustainability and biodiversity

Leadec Kft. actively promotes the involvement of production sites in biodiversity conservation in as many ways as possible. Our approach goes beyond traditional initiatives. For instance, in our projects, we have transformed green areas of factories into various habitats. These include meadows, bee pastures, herb beds, wooded and shrub areas and ponds. Our aim is to provide habitats for native plant and animal species. That's why, we have constructed nests, bird houses and insect hotels at several sites. Moreover, to support the conservation of bee populations, we have installed bee colonies. By doing so, we help preserve biodiversity and contribute to the ecological balance.

Our services

Leadec's mission is to provide leading-edge services to manufacturing companies around the world. Our internationally-recognised expertise and innovative process management systems support this goal. Additionally, the Group's global network ensures that our service expertise is always up to date. Therefore, we can offer our customers the best solutions for their specific needs and challenges.


Learn more about our services


The head office of Leadec Kft. is in Győr. However, our colleagues are also available in eight other Hungarian cities, in a total of 17 sites. You can find detailed information about the services of our locations on the following link.


Discover our locations

Milestones of our history

1994 - Establishment of Hörmann Győr Kft., whose main profile is the construction of electrical installations.

The company's activities expanded rapidly. A year later, steel construction and building services were added. In 1996, the company took over the operation of building services and energy management. This was followed by the operation of mechanical energy centres and supply systems. In 2004, when the company was still based in Győr, it won its first facility management contract.

2010 - Change of ownership and name, the company becomes Voith Industrial Services Kft.

A new site is opened in Kecskemét to provide technical cleaning, facility management and conveyor maintenance services. Our customers entrust us with increasingly complex tasks. One year later we win our first complex general contractor contract for electrical installations in Győr.

2012 - DIW Service Kft. is integrated into the company.

As a result of the integration, the number of working places expands. We are now also present in Miskolc, Szombathely and Kecskemét. The number of services we offer also follows the changes. The central energy supply business is launched, followed a year later by the technical cleaning business in Győr. The headcount grows accordingly, rising from 136 to 463 by 2013.

2015 - Opening of a new site in Szentgotthárd.

Providing technical and infrastructure management services in the western Hungarian town.

2016 - Our parent company is acquired by private equity firm Triton.

2017 - The group changes its name to Leadec Kft.

Meanwhile, the number of our partners is constantly growing and the number of our contracts is increasing. In 2018, the number of employees reaches 550 and a year later 730. In 2019 we also start our logistics service in Szentgotthárd.

2020 - Establishment of a Shared Service Centre (SSC) in Győr.

SSC starts it operation with procurement and accounting services, which have expanded over the years. The colleagues support the European Division's processes.

2022 - We start operations in three new locations: in Debrecen, Cegléd and Szeged.

2023 - Fiss Automatika Kft. is integrated into the company.

During the year the number of our locations continues to grow. Leadec Kft. is present in Budapest and Makó. The number of employees reaches 900.

Corporate social responsibility

We are a company which takes responsibility for society and the environment and is committed to sustainable development and the protection of our planet. As a company that is open to and sensitive to the problems of society, we are committed to supporting sport and children's education.


Leadec Kft. supports the following organisations:


Alapítvány Szentgotthárd Szakképzéséért I Anya-, Csecsemő- és Gyermekotthon, Győr I Dömdödöm Szülők Alapítványa a Fogyatékkal Élő Gyermekekért, Győr I Generátor AlapítványGézengúz Alapítvány, Győr I Győr-Moson-Sopron Megyei Katasztrófavédelmi Igazgatóság, Győr I KAPCSOK Alapítvány, Győr I Kecskeméti Gyermekosztályért Alapítvány, Kecskemét I Kecskeméti Polgárőrség, Kecskemét I Kutyákkal az Életért Alapítvány, Jászberény I Lakásotthonok Lakóiért Alapítvány, Győr I Lurkó Alapítvány, GyőrMagyar Hospice Alapítvány, Budapest I Magyar Kézilabdások Országos Szövetsége, GyőrMagyar VöröskeresztMáltai SzeretetszolgálatI Nagy Lajos Gimnáziumért Alapítvány, Szombathely I Országos Mentőszolgálat I Prohászka Ottokár Orsolyita Közoktatási Központért Alapítvány, Győr I Remény a Leukémiás Gyermekekért Alapítvány, BudapestRotary Klub, Győr I Szülők Háza Alapítvány, Győr

ISO Certifications

ISO management systems are key to the effective management and continuous development of our business. They certify that our services meet industry standards and customer expectations. They enable us to meet our customers' needs at a higher level and contribute to sustainable development.


Leadec Kft. has the following ISO certifications:


  • Quality Management System (QMS)

See ISO 9001:2015


  • Environmental Management System (EMS)

See ISO 14001:2015



Our certificates cover the following areas, depending on the activities of the sites where we work:

  • Technical and infrastructural facility management
  • Electrical, automation, switchgear and control installation
  • Operation and maintenance of power plants
  • Mechanical engineering, civil engineering
  • Technical cleaning
  • Manufacturing support
  • Internal logistics and materials management

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